Days after Superstar Rajinikanth announced his ‘grand political entry’ and the expected release of ‘Chhinnamma’ Sasikala from Karnataka jail on remission, the ruling AIADMK has convened a meeting of its zonal heads, ministers, and district functionaries on December 14 here to carry forward the discussions on strategising the plans for the Assembly election next year.
The AIADMK co-coordinator and Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami and coordinator and Deputy Chief Minister O Panneerselvam would chair the meeting. They would review the progress made on tasks assigned to the party’s zonal in-charges, ministers, and district secretaries on November 20, according to a release from the party here on Tuesday.
On November 21, Panneerselvam had announced in the presence of Union Home Minister Amit Shah at a government function that AIADMK-BJP ties will continue for the assembly polls.
In the changed TN political scenario, many BJP leaders are eager to join hands with the yet to be registered political and spiritual party of Rajinikanth. Thuglakh Editor S Gurumoorthy, a senior BJP leader has said in an interview that Rajini’s ‘Mr Clean’ image is a real challenge for all parties, including the BJP.
This consultative meeting to be held at the AIADMK headquarters comes days after Tamil film superstar Rajinikanth announced that he would launch his political party next month and also amid speculation of a differently emerging political landscape ahead of the polls.