The Rajya Sabha was adjourned for the day without transacting any legislative business amid an uproar by Opposition members who were demanding a discussion on the rising fuel prices.
The House was first adjourned for about an hour till 11 am and then again till 1 pm as opposition parties created an uproar over its demand to discuss the steep rise in the prices of petrol, diesel, and LPG cylinders.
The Chair, however, did not concede to their demands.
When the Upper House re-assembled at 1 pm, it was again adjourned till 1.15 pm and then till 1.30 pm. This time, Vandana Chavan, who was in the Chair, adjourned the House for the day.
Meanwhile, the Upper House will meet at its normal hours of 11 am to 6 pm from Tuesday. The timings were changed to 9 am to 2 pm from last year’s monsoon session due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The revised timings continued during the first leg of the budget session.
Before adjourning the proceedings, Chavan said: “On the request received from many members from various parties, Hon Chairman has decided that from Tuesday, that is tomorrow, March 9, 2021, the sitting of Rajya Sabha will commence from 11 am to 6 pm as per usual timings of the House.”
The members will be seated in the chamber and the galleries only with some distancing, Chavan said, adding that details of the sitting plan would be intimated to the party members later in the day.