Rallis India, a subsidiary of Tata Chemicals, on Tuesday said it has resumed operations at its plants on Monday, April 27 after completing critical maintenance jobs, a company spokesman said..
These plants are located in Lote (Maharashtra), Ankleshwar, and Dahej in Gujarat.
The production levels will be gradually increased, the company said in a release.
The company’s operations come under the approved list of essential activities as per the Ministry of Home Affairs, it added.
While resuming operations, the company is ensuring compliance with the directives issued by the authorities in this regard and is continuing to take various measures to ensure the safety and well-being of all its employees and stakeholders.
Rallis India continues to closely monitor the situation and will take all necessary measures as directed by the Central and state government authorities from time to time.
Because of the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic and in compliance with the directives issued by the government authorities and keeping in mind the safety and well-being of all the employees and stakeholders, Rallis India had commenced safe shutdown activities at these plants with effect from March 24, 2020, it added.