As a mark of the 75 year journey of Rashtriya Military School, Bengaluru, a batch of 13, including five cadets from the school is on a Cycle Rally across the major landmarks of South India. The cycle expedition cum motivational campaign aims to spread awareness about Rashtriya Military Schools, commemorate Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav and subsequently highlight the importance of Armed Forces to the masses in the southern part of the nation.
The rally completed its journey around Tamilnadu at Coimbatore on Monday and headed to Kerala for the next leg.
At Coimbatore, Motivational Talk arranged at 110 Territorial Army Infantry Battalion to the students of Navy Children School and Air Force School, Coimbatore. Another motivational talk arranged at PSG Public School, Coimbatore also.
The Team at Tamilnadu visited the important locations like Officers Training Academy, Chennai, Mahabalipuram, Ulundurpettai and Salem in addition to Coimbatore.
The team will continue cycling to Kochi, Kozhikode and Mysore before reaching their Bengaluru base on April 23.