Number of recoveries outnumbered fresh COVID-19 cases in Tamil Nadu for the 11th straight day on Wednesday with the cumulative number of those cured rising to 4.64 lakh, while the infection count mounted to 5.19 lakh.
The state added 5,652 fresh cases taking the tally to 5,19,860 while the death toll mounted to 8,559 with 57 more fatalities, a government bulletin said.
The day saw 5,768 patients getting discharged from various hospitals as the trend of recovering eclipsing new cases continued since September 6.
Totally 4,64,668 people have got cured and the active cases stood at 46,633. Of the fresh infections, Chennai district logged 983, Coimbatore 549, Chengelpet 319, Tiruvallur 282, Salem 280, Cuddalore 263 and Kancheepuram 189 and the remainder was scattered across the state, the bulletin said.
The state capital accounted for 1,51,560 positive cases out of the total 5,19,860. Those dead included a 94-year old man and a 30-year old woman. Fifty of the deceased had co-morbidities, it said.
A total of 84,567 samples were tested and cumulatively 61,33,399 specimens have been examined so far, the bulletin added.