President Droupadi Murmu on Saturday approved the prestigious President’s Tatrakshak Medal (PTM) and Tatrakshak Medal (TM) for eight personnel of the Indian Coast Guard (ICG), including five from the Western Seaboard, on the eve of the 76th Republic Day, according to an official statement.
According to the ICG, the PTM is bestowed upon Coast Guard personnel for their acts of exceptional bravery and distinguished service. The TM is awarded for acts of notable gallantry and valuable service, marked by resourcefulness and dedication to duty, including prolonged service demonstrating ability and merit.
From the Western Seaboard of the Indian Coast Guard, four officers and one sailor were honoured.
Additional Director General Anil Kumar Harbola, TM, Coast Guard Commander (Western Seaboard), received the President’s Tatrakshak Medal for Distinguished Service. In his more than 36 years of service, Addl DG AK Harbola was also previously awarded the Tatrakshak Medal for Gallantry for apprehending the pirated ship MV Alondra Rainbow in 1999 while commanding ICGS Tarabai. Before assuming the charge of Coast Guard Commander (Western Seaboard) at Mumbai in July 2024, Additional DG AK Harbola served as the Commander of Coast Guard Region (North West) at Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Atul Joshi was also awarded the Tatrakshak Medal for Meritorious Service, recognizing his significant contributions to the Indian Coast Guard during his more than 28 years of illustrious service.
In a proud moment for the Western Seaboard, Commandant Anshuman Raturi, Assistant Commandant Manish Singh and Sameer Ranjan, U/Nvk(R) were also awarded the Tatrakshak Medal for Gallantry, further showcasing the courage and commitment of the Coast Guard personnel.
“The Coast Guard Western Seaboard, which has jurisdiction over Gujarat, Daman and Diu, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka and Kerala, takes immense pride in this achievement. It is a matter of prestige for the Seaboard to have received five awards on this auspicious day,” says an ICG release.
These awards underscore the unwavering dedication and valour of the Indian Coast Guard in safeguarding the Nation’s Maritime interests.