Bengaluru-based EV Start-up ‘River Mobility’ is expanding its footprint in Tamil Nadu. The first store of ‘River’ was unveiled by its Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Aravind Mani at Anna Nagar East in Chennai in the presence of its pre-booked customers on Friday.
The store located in the bustling area of Anna Nagar offers an immersive experience to its customers. It showcases all of River’s offerings, including Indie, accessories and merchandise. The store spanning over an area of 1600 sq. ft., will be the company’s first company-owned outlet outside Bengaluru. It is ideally located at Anna Nagar: J-10, 6th Avenue Road, Anna Nagar East, Chennai – 600102.
The River Store Anna Nagar has an inviting and vibrant ambience that offers an exclusive experience to both walk-in and delivery customers.
Addressing media on the sidelines of the inauguration, Aravind Mani said, “The River stores are designed to showcase the brand’s newly defined aesthetics that incorporates ‘flow lines,’ pebbles, and other organic shapes that evoke the essence of rivers. At the core of the store’s aesthetics are carefully designed habitats. The first habitat depicts how Indie can blend into daily life. The second habitat portrays Indie in Chennai’s local cityscape with layered illustrations. The narratives align with River’s ethos, taking people from where they are to where they want to be. Here, River’s core values truly come to life.’’
Talking about the milestone, Aravind Mani said, “Tamil Nadu is a special market for us. In fact, many of our employees who’ve been with us from the start are from this region. We’ve also done extensive testing for the Indie across extreme weather conditions and terrains in many parts of this state. Launching a company-owned store in Chennai is an important milestone for us. We have received a sizable number of pre-orders from this market, which we aim to fulfill in the coming weeks. With this launch, I am proud to announce that River is now present in three states across India. By year-end, we plan to expand to 50 cities and before 2026, it will touch 100 stores across the nation,” he asserted.
In alignment with the Centre’s ‘AtmaNirbhar Bharat’, all spare parts are 99 per cent localised, with only the battery cells being imported.
The Indie is priced at Rs 1,39,335 (ex-showroom, Chennai). Customers can visit the store and take test rides, browse through the merchandise or purchase an Indie. Customers can also visit www.rideriver.in and book test rides or purchase an Indie, at their own convenience.