With the IPL fever reaching its crescendo, an older video of Sadhguru backing Chennai Super Kings as his favourite team has gone viral again. In this video, the West Indian cricketing icon, ‘The Universe Boss’ Chris Gayle is seen asking Sadhguru, “Which is your favourite IPL team?” Sadhguru bursts out into laughter and says, “Of course, it’s the Chennai Team,” a response that Chris Gayle jokingly laments.
Speaking of an incident wherein KKR sought his blessings, Sadhguru recollected, “Last time when the KKR team was in the finals, and they called me and said, ‘Sadhguru, you must bless our team.’ I said, ‘Who is playing against you?’ They said, ‘Chennai.’ I said, ‘See, this is one thing I cannot do,” to which both Gayle and Sadhguru burst into a peal of laughter.
In the concluding part of the video, Chris Gayle comments that ‘Chennai is the Number One Team’, definitely in the IPL, to which Sadhguru points out that ‘Dhoni has made the difference’.
During the current IPL season, Sadhguru has been spotted cheering for RCB as well as CSK.
But now, with the re-viralling of this video, the CSK fans clearly have reasons to believe that Sadhguru’s blessings are with their team as they head into the final contest this Sunday.