Samsung India on Tuesday launched its 2021 range of air conditioners that includes Wind-Free ACs with enhanced smart controls and PM 1.0 filters, Convertible 5-in-1 Inverter ACs with Tri-Care filters, and Hot & Cold Inverter ACs. The new range has been developed to address consumers’ need for clean air, energy efficiency, convenience, and customised cooling modes for each family’s needs.
According to the company, the 2021 line-up is available across all leading retail stores and online on Flipkart and Amazon, and Samsung’s official online store Samsung Shop.
Samsung has also entered the 4-star Inverter AC and strengthened its 5-star Inverter AC segment alongside Hot and Cold Inverter ACs.
The new range of Inverter AC’s comes with Samsung durability promise of 10 years on Digital Inverter compressor, 5 years on Copper condenser, and 5 years on PCB, along with 5-year free gas recharge.
Samsung’s 2021 AC line-up will include 51 ACs across Wind-Free, Convertible 5-in-1, and On/Off ACs. The new AC range will start from a price point of ₹36,990 and will go up to ₹90,990.
Samsung has also provided EMI options where a customer can own a Samsung AC at zero down payment and get up to 15% cashback and 5-year free gas recharge.
The new air conditioners are equipped with PM 1.0 Filter, the new range of Wi-Fi enabled Wind-Free ACs to catch dust, and sterlize virus and bacteria. The company claims the PM 1.0 filter is washable and reusable.
In terms of energy efficiency, consumers can choose from various AC performance capacity options such as Party Mode (120%), Normal Mode (100%), Pleasant Mode (80%), Eco Mode (60%), and Home Alone Mode (40%). With the Digital Inverter boost, Samsung claims consumers can save energy up to 41% by maintaining desired temperature without frequently turning off and on the AC.
The new range comes with ‘Smart Control’ functions that allows consumers to change settings or switch on/off the AC using Bixby voice assistant, Alexa and Google Home,. The user can remotely control the AC and change settings using Samsung’s Smart Things application.
If there is no movement for 60 minutes, the Motion Detection Sensor, available in Wind-Free Models, turns the AC to energy-saving mode automatically. This sensor also allows one to choose direct or indirect wind from the remote control.
“AC are no longer seasonality-based products. With people working and studying from home, the need for clean air, durability and energy efficiency are the primary concerns for consumers today. As consumers are at the core of everything we do, the new range has been designed keeping in mind changes in the lifestyle of consumers. Our new ACs with PM 1.0 and Tri-Care filters ensure health and hygiene, while our Convertible 5-in-1 Inverter ACs take care of your energy efficiency needs customized to each user. The smart and AI features of the new range provide convenience to consumers. We are positive that the new lineup will further help consolidate our position in the Indian AC market,” said Rajeev Bhutani, Senior Vice President, HVAC division, Consumer Electronics Business, Samsung India.