Saurabh English School, managed by the Kalorex group, hosted its Fun Fiesta 2024-25 at its Nava Vadaj campus. The event saw enthusiastic participation from schools like Navjyot School, Ambica School, and Divyajyot School, along with parents, teachers, and the local community.
The celebration began with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp by trustees Saurabh Patel, Campus Director Jasmina Patel, and Vice Principal Tulika Saha, joined by guests of honor Debashree Chatterjee and Ankita Shah.
Centered around the theme “Green and Clean Environment”, the event emphasized Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with vibrant stalls promoting sustainability.
Highlights included Plants stall, fun games, art gallery showcasing students creativity and delicious food counters run by students showcasing entrepreneurship, and lively cultural performances. Vice Principal Tulika Saha lauded the teamwork of students, parents, and staff for making the event a grand success.
The Fun Fiesta concluded with smiles, laughter, and cherished memories, promising yet another exciting celebration next year.