Honorable Judge of Supreme Court of India Justice K V Viswanathan launched the 10th edition of the “I’m Special” Calendar for 2025 to mark the 10th anniversary celebrations of Swarga Foundation, an NGO here on Saturday. The first calendar was received by His Holiness Dr. Santhalinga Marudasala Adikalar of Holy Kailash Heritage Meikandar Hierarchy Perur Adheenam Pontiff. All proceeds from the sales of the calendars will be utilised to setup Neuro Rehab Centre for those affected with neuro-muscular disorders.
The function was held at Senator, The Residency, Avinashi Road, Coimbatore on the occasion of 10th anniversary celebrations of Swarga Foundation.
The Guests of Honor include Kranti Kumar Pati, IAS, District Collector, Coimbatore; Balakrishnan V, IPS, Police Commissioner, Coimbatore; Sivaguru Prabakaran, IAS, Corporation Commissioner, Coimbatore; K Ranganayaki Ramachandran, Mayor, Coimbatore; Tehmasp Printer, MD & CEO, International Gemmological Institute, Mumbai; Shilpa Deodhar, CSR Head, Bosch Global Software Technologies; Dr. K Madeswaran, Chairman , Royal Care Super Speciality Hospital, Coimbatore; and Shrikant Bairagi , MD, Argo,-Hythos India.
The dignitaries also inaugurated SWAG CAFÉ, Coimbatore’s first café managed by persons with disabilities. It is an effort to empower and promote entrepreneurial skills among persons with disabilities. It will also serve as a vocational training centre for the patients getting treated at the NGO’s Sowkhya Pain Rehab Clinic. This is a CSR initiative from Bosch, says Swarga Foundation founder Swarnalatha, who is affected with Multiple Sclerosis [MS], in a press release.
“To mark our one decade of humanitarian service, the Foundation also announced the establishment of Coimbatore Parkinson’s Foundation. It will provide essential support and resources to individuals with Parkinson’s disease in the region, addressing the lack of awareness and specialized care. Our goal is to improve the quality of life for patients and their caregivers through education, therapy, and community engagement,” says Dr. Guruprasad, co-founder of Swarga Foundation.
The theme for the 2025 calendar is “TRENDSETTERS”. Its purpose is to celebrate twelve 12 differently-abled Artists from across India.
Models Featured
K S VISHWAS, Actor/ Dancer, Bangalore; Dr. NONITA GANGWANI, Digital Artist, Delhi; VINAYANA KHURANA, Poet, Delhi; BENZY KUMAR, Singer, Delhi; USAID SHAIKE, Dancer, Mumbai; SWETHA MANTRII, Standup Comedian, Pune; SHWETA EEPURI, Sketch Artist, Hyderabad; NEHAL TIWARI, Stone Artist, Mumbai; K DINESH, Keyboardist, Coimbatore; DIVYA SHARMA, Musician, Nangal; SABARI VENKAT, Motivational speaker, Pune and RITESH SINGH TOMAR, Guitarist, Delhi.
Keystone Projects
- Accessible Transport: Through Sarathi, we have been providing accessible transport over the last three years and have catered to over 350 beneficiaries travelling 15 cities across 3 states, covering 50,000 kms.
- Accessible Infrastructure: We have constructed wheelchair-accessible toilets in ten Government schools around Coimbatore enabling children get access to education. We have also constructed a 35 foot ramp and a wheelchair-accessible toilet at the Police Commissioner’s office along with a dedicated parking spot. The platforms of the Coimbatore Railway Station are now equipped with wheelchair-accessible toilets.
- Reimbursements: We have provided over 20 lakhs in patient welfare towards various requirements like education, mobility aids, medication and treatment to over 330 patients so far.
- Rehabilitation: Through Sowkhya Physiotherapy & Wellness Center, we have treated over 11,000 people for various ailments ranging from stroke, multiple sclerosis to other neurological disorders.
- We are working towards establishing a comprehensive rehabilitation center with 40 beds to treat in-patients for Multiple Sclerosis which would be the first of its kind in the country.