The Tamil Nadu government, on Thursday, has issued orders appointing incumbent Commissioner of Police, Chennai, Shankar Jiwal, as the Director-General of Police/Head of Police Force, Tamil Nadu. He is to succeed C Sylendra Babu who will retire from service on June 30.
Sandeep Rai Rathore, DGP, Training, Police Training College, succeeds Jiwal as as CoP, Greater Chennai, according to an order issued by the government.
The 1990 batch IPS officer, Jiwal, has been appointed as the head of the police force with effect from July 1 as Sylendra Babu, who served as DGP for two years, will retire on June 30.
In the race for the new DGP, Sanjay Arora (Delhi Police Commissioner), PK Ravi (City Police Chief), Shankar Jiwal (Chennai Police Commissioner), AK Viswanathan (Former Chennai Police Commissioner), Abash Kumar (Fire Department Director), There were 10 people, including Seema Aggarwal (Director Tamil Nadu Uniformed Staff Selection Commission).
Among them Sanjay Arora, Shankar Jiwal and AK Viswanathan names have been finalized. It was recommended that the Tamil Nadu government select one of these 3 persons. Among them, Shankar Jiwal has been ticked by Chief Minister Stalin as the new DGP of Tamil Nadu.
Accordingly, Shankar Jiwal has been appointed as the 31st Chief of Tamil Nadu Police, Law and Order DGP. Sandeep Roy Rathore has been appointed as the Chennai Police Commissioner while Shankar Jiwal’s post of Chennai Metropolitan Police Commissioner is vacant.
Shankar Jiwal is a 1990 batch IPS officer from Uttarakhand. Graduated in Masters in Mechanical Engineering. Proficient in Tamil, English and the Kumauni language of Uttarakhand.
After completing his engineering studies, he worked briefly as an engineer at Sail and Bell. Later he passed the IPS exam and got selected as an IPS officer in Tamil Nadu Division.
He is a 2-time recipient of the President’s Medal for Distinguished Service.