Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K. Palaniswami has announced allowing indoor shooting for television shows here on Thursday.
After nearly two months, indoor shooting for television shows is all set to begin in non- containment zones of the state.
Following representations from Film Employees Federation of South India (FEFSI) and a television show producers association seeking permission to resume shoot, the Chief Minister allowed it with conditions.
In urban areas, the shoot should be confined to indoors that fall under non-containment zones and no more than 20 people including actors and technicians may assemble with prior permission from local body authorities, an official release here said.
Permission should be obtained from Commissioner of Greater Chennai Corporation for shoots in Chennai and for the rest of the state from district Collectors.
Public places may be used for shoot only in rural regions and such locations also must be situated in non- containment zones.
Visitors entry is banned and the indoor and other spaces used for shoot must be disinfected before and after the filming activity and the crew should frequently wash hands using soap or hand sanitisers, the release said.
Similarly, vehicles and equipment used for filming purposes must be cleaned using disinfectants. Barring actors, all others must wear mask and follow social distancing.
Actors should sport mask during breaks. If anyone has flu like symptoms including cough, they must be sent for medical test immediately, the release added.