Sony India introduced the latest addition to its truly wireless category, with the launch of WF-XB700 and WF-SP800N headphones priced at Rs. 9,990 and Rs 18,990, respectively. WF-XB700 is a hassle-free device perfect for music lovers on-the-go. While, WF-SP800N is the latest noise-canceling sports headphones, designed for an active lifestyle to block out distractions like the sounds of the street or the barbells at the gym, a release added.
WF-XB700 and WF-SP800N truly wireless headphones will be available across Sony retail stores (Sony Center and Sony Exclusive), portal, major electronic stores, and other e-commerce website in India.
1. Truly wireless headphones with EXTRA BASS feature for a deep and punchy sound
Featuring Sony’s EXTRA BASS™ technology, both WF-XB700 & WF-SP800N headphones create precise, punchy low-end sound that lifts the track and maintains vocal clarity for an extremely rich, well-rounded listening experience. With a seamless connectivity to “Sony Headphones Connect App” (Only in WF-SP800N), it’s easy to customize the audio to create a relaxed listening experience at home or to boost the bass to charge up a workout.
2. Extensive battery life with quick charging for long listening hours
Enjoy uninterrupted music with long battery life of WF-XB700 & WF-SP800N headphones. WF-XB700 has a battery back of 9 hours and thanks to its handy charging case, it can further charge for 9 hours to give you a total of 18 hours of hassle-free music listening experience. The WF-SP800N provides 18 hours of music playback with noise canceling switched on and up to 26 hours switched off. When in a hurry, due to its quick charging function both WF-XB700 & Wf-SP800N can provide music playback up to 60 minutes with just 10 minutes of charge.
3. Water (IPX4 rating), Dust (IP55 rating) & Sweat resistance for a carefree music experience
The Sony WF-XB700 and WF-SP800N boast of an IPX4 and IP55 rating, respectively, for water and dust resistance. Now do not worry about splashes, sweat and dirt while you keep moving to the music or during your workout. WF-SP800N headphones can even be washed, making them perfect for active lifestyles and outdoor use.
4. Voice Assistant features for quick access to music and more
Now simply enable Alexa (available in WF-SP800N) and Google Assistant to access music, connect with friends, get information, notifications, set reminders, and more with WF-XB700 and WF-SP800N. Connect with your smartphone by just pressing a button and manage your day, with the help of your virtual assistant. enjoy entertainment.
5. Easy hands-free calling with built-in mic
Conversation flows freely with the truly wireless range, WF-XB700 and WF-SP800N thanks to the built-in microphone. The headphones deliver extremely clear voice quality for hands-free calling and you can take calls using either, or both, of the earbuds. This allows you to alternate their recharging or hear calls more clearly in a noisy environment.
6. Prominent buttons and Touch sensors for easy control on the fingertips
The prominent button on WF-XB700 headphones let you play, stop, or skip through tracks and adjust the volume. They also offer an easy way to access your smartphone’s voice assistant and go hands free. For WF-SP800N, the smart control technology enables users to play, stop or skip through music and adjust the volume by simply placing a finger on the right earbud and then turn down the music by placing a finger on the left earbud.
The WF-SP800N is powered with Adaptive Sound Control, which lets you to automatically adjusts ambient sound settings to suit the current environment for the ultimate listening experience. The quick attention feature lets you instantly turn the volume down and lets in ambient sound, so users can chat without needing to remove the earbuds. The headphones automatically detect when the earbuds are taken out, thanks to its wearing detection feature. It pauses the music instantly by taking one of the earbuds out and the music will automatically resume when the earbud is put back in again.
7. Exclusively designed earbuds to ensure secure and comfortable fit
The WF-XB700 earbuds are ergonomically designed in Tri-hold structure to contact with three different points on your ear for a secure and comfortable fit. While, WF-SP800N is designed with a soft-cushioned arc supporter and three-dimensional curved design ensure a secure, comfortable fit. So, while you move, your headphones don’t.
8. Portable, protected compact magnetic charging case for easy handling
The compact charging case not only protects your Truly wireless headphones but, it also lets you power up on the go. Due to the magnetic strip inside the case, it is easy to put your truly wireless headphones back into the charging case and they will nestle into place with a satisfying snap.
9. Quick and easy connectivity using Bluetooth version 5.0
Enjoy true wireless design and connect via BLUETOOTH 5.0 technology which removes the need for wired connections for ease of use.
10. In the box
In the box, find true wireless headphones, earbuds, a carry case, a charging cable and get ready to enter the world of deep punchy bass with the comfort to carry your favorite music with you throughout the day.