The trailer of Suriya-starrer Soorarai Pottru dropped on Monday (October 26, 2020) and it’s been trending on social media. Also featuring Mohan Babu, Paresh Rawal and Aparna Balamurali, the film is a fictionalised version of the biography Simply Fly written by Air Deccan founder Captain GR Gopinath, a retired Army captain, who founded the low-cost airline. The film is directed by Sudha Kongara, who was also behind one of the films in the recently released Puthum Pudhu Kaalai anthology.
Soorarai Pottru is produced by Suriya, and co-produced by Rajsekar Karpoorasundarapandian, Guneet Monga and Aalif Surti. After a delay, the film is now scheduled to release on November 12 in Tamil as well as in Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam (dubs in all 3 languages) on Amazon Prime Video.