Asserting that serious spinal injury leading to paralysis is one of the most disabling injuries that can change a life, Shalby Hospitals Group, a multispeciality chain of 11 hospitals spread across India, announced the launch of SIRS – Shalby Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences at Krishna Shalby Hospitals in Ghuma, Ahmedabad on Sunday.
Incidentally, September 5 is celebrated as Spinal Cord Injury Day across the world by International Spinal Cord Society with an aim to spread awareness about spinal injuries. and Teachers’ Day in India.
Commenting on the launch of SIRS, Dr. Vikram Shah, world-renowned joint replacement surgeon & CMD of Shalby Hospitals said “After getting treated for a major disease or undergoing a major surgery, road to normal functional life for a patient is many times utmost challenging. Rehabilitation is a scientific approach to help such patients reach their optimal functional strength sooner with least possible sufferings. Sometimes, disease is such that, despite of increasing disabilities, there is no treatment available in medical science beyond a point. Rehabilitation helps these patients by reducing their sufferings.”
Speaking to the media, Dr. Niraj Vasavada, Director of SIRS and renowned spine surgeon and HOD, Department of Spine at Shalby Hospitals, said, “Rehabilitation is not synonymous with physiotherapy or exercise. Rehabilitation is an amalgamation of physiotherapy, psychotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, social rehabilitation etc. As per WHO “health is not mere absence of disease, but health is physical, mental & social well-being”. In today’s times it is nearly impossible to be healthy in its true sense after a serious injury or illness without rehabilitation.”
“Thanks to rehabilitation sciences, Indian athletes have won 19 medals, including 5 gold in the Tokyo Paralympics which concluded today. This has proved that disability is not a deterrent for the achievers. However, with proper rehab training one can lead a normal life and no need to depend upon others,” Dr Vasavada added.
Dr Vasavada advised all those working from home post-COVID to go for 30-45 minutes of exercise daily and use ergonomically designed furnitures. And above all right sitting posture is required to maintain their health.
To a query on whether the cost of rehab training is covered post-surgeries by insurance companies, he replied that till now no one is offering such insurance cover. Being a socio-conscious corporate hospital, SIRS charges only nominal fee as part of Shalby’s Corporate Social Responsibility despite spending over Rs 40 lakh for infrastructures like equipments.

“For example, it is impossible to comprehend the plights & disabilities of a patient with paralysis, which may have been caused due to stroke, brain injury or spinal cord injury. Rehabilitation can help such patients to get on with their lives either by helping them to learn to live with disability or by helping them to recover from their disabilities. It is nearly impossible to come back to near normal life after such catastrophic event without rehabilitation. However, specialized centres devoted specifically to this are hard to find in Ahmedabad. This, in turn, affects not only the full recovery process but also the quality of life of people who have suffered from serious injuries and diseases.
Rahimu Mahamudu Mohamedi, a patient from Tanzania, had undergone spinal surgery through laparoscopic method, last Tuesday. After five days, he is now able to walk on his own and undergoing rehab training. He thanked Dr Vasavada and his team for treating him well.
Among those present at the inauguration event include K. B. Baror, Senior Citizen World (India);. Hemant Shah, President of NRI Parent Association & Vice President of Confederation of NRI Parent Organization of India and Yogesh Chudghar, a social activist.
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