Even after obtaining basic engineering degree, students should have the fire in their belly to enrich knowledge other than core subject, said Dr M Ravichandran, Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt of India here on Friday.
Participating as chief guest at the 13th Convocation of the Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science (HITS), he urged them to have multi-disciplinary approach to reap success in their life.
Dr Ravichandran exhorted the students to be sincere and uphold the integrity of the institution and motivated them to be sensitive towards the environment and come up with ways to utilize the natural resources judiciously.
- This is the golden era for the field of Science and Technology as many developments, research and inventions are taking place under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi: S Somanath, Chairman, ISRO
- 1,852 candidates from various streams awarded UG, PG and PhD degrees at the 13th Convocation held at Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science
- Chancellor Dr Elizabeth Verghese advocates the youths should be sensitized about the current issues which will help in formulating solution towards a better world.
He touched upon various facets of Ocean Technology, Underwater Technology and many interconnected domains that will shuttle of India’s development within next 25 years, he galvanized the students to observe perseverance in their approach against all odds and overcome any challenge fearlessly.
Guest of Honor, Shri. S. Somanath, Chairman, ISRO, Secretary, Department of Space, Govt. of India, in his address, stated that this is the golden time for the field of Science and Technology as many developments, research and inventions are taking place. #HITS #GraduationDay2022 pic.twitter.com/9VVTcMZ4oV
— Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science (@HindustanUni) September 30, 2022
S Somanath, Chairman, ISRO, Secretary, Department of Space, Government of India participated as special guest at the convocation.
In his address, he said that this is the golden era for the field of Science and Technology as many developments, research and inventions are taking place under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
He also noted that in the field of Space and Satellite Technology unprecedented number of launches will take place and extolled how the field of Aeronautics have grown by leaps and bounds.
As humanity is taking shape in many domains, he urged the graduates not only to become experts in their domains but also have enough knowledge from other domains as well.
He encouraged the students to stay upgraded and updated with the current scenario and knowledge, which will help in excelling in their domains in future.
The Chancellor addresses the audience at the 13th Convocation. She congratulated the graduands and wished them a bright future ahead as they embark on a journey towards becoming valuable members of the society.#HITS #MyHindustan #13thConvocation #ChancellorsAddress #Graduands pic.twitter.com/gfDx9s8Uui
— Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science (@HindustanUni) September 30, 2022
Presiding over the convocation, Chancellor Dr Elizabeth Verghese congratulated the graduates and wished them a bright future ahead as they embark on a journey towards becoming valuable members of the society.
She stated the importance of education as the soul of the society that passes from generation to generation and creates a pathway towards a better society. She advocated that the youths should be sensitized about the current issues which will help in formulating solution towards a better world.
1,852 candidates from various streams awarded UG, PG and PhD degrees
The Doctoral Candidates receive their PhD degrees from the Chief Dignitaries. The Undergraduate and Postgraduate rankholders receive their awards and accolades for their excellence in academic pursuit.#HITS #13thConvocation #DoctoralCandidates #PhDDegrees #AcademicPursuit pic.twitter.com/wxsDgyMtiG
— Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science (@HindustanUni) September 30, 2022
A total of 1852 Graduands including 1532 – UG, 215 – PG, 27 – PhD, were awarded degrees, out of which 57 Rank Holders were honoured with medals and cash Prizes worth Rs. 8 Lakhs for their meritorious performance in Academics.
Our Chief Guest Dr. M. Ravichandran, Secretary, #MinistryOfEarthSciences, GOI #inaugurated the #CentreOfExcellence in Underwater Robotics and Communication in presence of the Guest of Honour, , Shri. S. Somanath, Chairman, ISRO, along with the Chief Dignitaries of #HITS. pic.twitter.com/Y4yCBGY3HR
— Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science (@HindustanUni) September 30, 2022
Delighted to announce the inauguration of #CentreOfExcellence in #SatelliteTechnology at #HITS by #GuestOfHonor, Shri. S. Somanath, Chairman, ISRO in presence of our #ChiefGuest Dr. M. Ravichandran, Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences, GOI and the Chief Dignitaries of HITS. pic.twitter.com/vqgdx2lLCs
— Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science (@HindustanUni) September 30, 2022
Earlier, Centre of Excellence in Space Technology at the college campus was inaugurated by S. Somnath and Centre of Excellence in Under Water Robotics and Communication was inaugurated by Dr M Ravichandran.
Special Guests, Rt Rev Joseph Mar Barnabas Suffragan Metropolitan of Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church, Dr Anand Jacob Verghese, Pro-Chancellor HITS; Dr S N Sridhara, Vice-Chancellor, HITS and Members of the Board of Management, HITS were also present.
Dr S N Sridhara read out the annual report.
Special Guest Rt. Rev. Joseph Mar Barnabas Suffragan Metropolitan addressed the #13thConvocation where he thanked the chief dignitaries of the event. He encouraged the students to practice #compassion and also motivated them to have a higher goal in life. #HindustanUniversity pic.twitter.com/X1VAhLGgx0
— Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science (@HindustanUni) September 30, 2022
Chancellor Dr Elizabeth Verghese conferred the Doctor of Science to Honoris Causa to S Somanath and the Doctor of Letters to Rt Rev Joseph Mar Barnabas.
Parents and family members of the graduating students were also present.