The Super Kings Academy is set to launch its fourth centre in Chennai through a franchise-based partnership with SV High School in Vanagaram. Cricket coaching for boys and girls aged 6 to 23 will begin on August 19. Interested students/parents can contact 7305612157 or register at www.superkingsacademy.com.
Hey, Chennai Makkale !🤩
Our 𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐞 in @ SV high School, Vanagaram is coming soon! 🥳
📞 contact us for more details – 7305612157
check 🔗 for more details ⏬https://t.co/Kt7dKUC2gO#SuperKingsAcademy🏏#TrainLikeASuperKing🦁 pic.twitter.com/z72Dq7zLb3
— Super Kings Academy (@SuperKingsAcad) July 25, 2024
The academy will be a state-of-the-art centre with 5 turf, 3 astro, 2 matting and concrete pitches apart from floodlights for evening practice.
- Cricket coaching for boys and girls aged 6 to 23 will begin on August 19
- Interested students/parents can contact 7305612157 or register at www.superkingsacademy.com.
- The academy will be a state-of-the-art centre with 5 turf, 3 astro, 2 matting and concrete pitches apart from floodlights for evening practice
KS Viswanathan, CEO, Chennai Super Kings, said: “Ever since Chennai Super Kings started Super Kings Academy in 2022, we have received tremendous support from the cricket fraternity. Today, we are pleased to announce the fourth centre in Chennai at SV High School Vanagaram, after the successful ones in Thoraipakkam, Sri Ramachandra Medical College (Porur) and Guru Nanak College (Velachery).”
“The best of facilities and opportunities will now be available for students in different parts of the city. We are confident that the next generation of cricketers from the region will benefit,” KS Viswanathan added.
A R Rajiv Krishna, Managing Director, SV High School, said “We are pleased to partner with Super Kings Academy to further take cricket to the grassroots. The city and the cricketing borders are expanding constantly, and we will cater to a large talent group from this region.”
“Over the last two years, the Super Kings Academy has done a tremendous job of developing grassroot talent across the state. We are confident we can add to the journey and produce more talent,” Krishna added.