Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Friday announced Diwali bonuses and ex gratia payments for 2.75 lakh employees of state public sector undertakings (PSUs) and statutory boards for the 2023-24 fiscal year.
- 20% bonus for employees of profit-making PSUs and a 10% bonus for those working in loss-making PSUs
- A minimum of Rs 8,400 and maximum Rs 16,800 will be given to government employees in Tamil Nadu as Diwali bonus
The Tamil Nadu government said that the state leads in the number of factories and factory employees across key sectors, including manufacturing, vehicle and parts production, engineering, pharmaceuticals, garments, leather goods, technology, and other services.
The state government said due to the tireless efforts of skilled workers producing world-class products, and fulfilling the government’s visionary schemes, Tamil Nadu is emerging as India’s leading manufacturing hub and is on track to becoming a $ 1 trillion economy by 2030.
The state government said it announced a 20% bonus for employees of profit-making PSUs and a 10% bonus for those working in loss-making PSUs.
The state government further added that Grade C and D employees working in the Tamil Nadu Housing Board and the Chennai Water Supply and Sewerage Board will receive a 10% bonus, and Grade C and D employees in the Tamil Nadu Drinking Water Supply Board will receive an 8.3% bonus.
Moreover, Rs 3,000 gratuity will be given to the temporary workers in the Tamil Nadu Consumer Goods Trading Corporation.
Apart from this, a minimum of Rs 8,400 and maximum Rs 16,800 will be given to government employees in Tamil Nadu as Diwali bonus.
The state government said it is estimated that Rs 369.65 crore will be given as bonus to 2,75,670 workers across the state and bonus for employees working in cooperatives will be announced separately.