Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami on Thursday inaugurated slew of projects including Rs 299.28 crore worth initiatives in the housing sector, in various districts in the state.
Chief Minister inaugurated about 1,232 multi-storied apartments constructed at Chennai, Erode and Tiruchirapalli districts, besides housing tenements and others in Thanjavur and Ariyalur districts, an official release said.
Deputy Chief Minister O Panneerselvam, who holds the Housing and Urban Development Portfolio, was present.
The Chief Minister also laid the foundation stone for the commencement of the Noyyal River Restoration Project through the Public Works Department (PWD) WRO division.
The restoration work of the Noyyal river, which the state government has taken up at an estimated cost of Rs 230 crore, would benefit about 18,000 acres of agriculture land including 7,000 acres, benefiting Coimbatore, Tiruppur, Erode and Karur districts.