The Tamil Nadu State Haj Committee has planned to conduct draw of lots (qurrah) at New College in Royapettah, Chennai at 11.30 am on January 13 for Haj pilgirms, as per the instructions of the Haj Committee of India, Mumbai.
An official release issued here on Friday said the intending pilgrims, who have applied for Haj 2020 through the Tamil Nadu State Haj Committee, may attend the draw of lots. To get the State Government’s Haj subsidy, the selected pilgrims of Haj 2020 should submit the copy of individual S.B. Account (with IFSC) pass book to the Tamil Nadu State Haj Committee.
The Tamil Nadu government has been implementing the scheme of sanctioning Haj subsidy to the Tamil Nadu State Haj Committee pilgrims from 2018. The Tamil Nadu State Haj Committee has received applications from 6,028 persons, including seven infants.