The Tamil Nadu government on Friday announced that the free ration for family cardholders will be continued for July too, and that tokens for obtaining the essential commodities will be distributed at the doorsteps of the beneficiaries from July 6 to 9. This is in view of the lockdown to contain COVID-19 having been extended till this month-end.
The essentials could be obtained from the respective fair price shops from July 10 at the time stipulated on the tokens.
However, for the benefit of those in the containment zones, arrangements have been made to deliver the essential commodities at their doorsteps, an official release here said.
Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami had announced free essential commodities to ration cardholders in the State during the lockdown in April and May, and later extended the relief measure to June.
The state government had doubled the rice entitlement of all rice-drawing ration cardholders in Tamil Nadu for three months, as a measure to mitigate the hardship imposed due to the shutdown, in alignment with the government’s policy of universal public distribution system (UPDS), the release added.