The Tamil Nadu government on Thursday announced the rates that are to be charged by the private hospitals to treat Covid-19 patients covered under the Chief Minister’s Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme (TNCMCHIS).
In a statement, Health Minister C. Vijayabaskar said the per day rate for those who do not have any coronavirus infection symptoms or those having slight symptoms the rate for general ward will be Rs 5,000 in case of Class A1, A2, A3, and A4 hospitals.
In the case of admission in intensive care unit (ICU) with all facilities the per day rates in the case of A1 and A2 hospitals will be Rs 10,000 – Rs 15,000 and for A3 and A4 hospitals it will be Rs 9,000 to Rs 13,500.
He said hospitals charging more than the stipulated rates will be removed from the list of approved hospitals under the insurance scheme.
The approved private hospitals will reserve 25 per cent of their bed strength for those Covid-19 patients covered under the state government health insurance scheme.
Those covered under the state government health insurance scheme need not pay anything to the hospitals, in case hospital authorities insisting on extra payment, they can lodge complaint in the toll free number, the minister said.