Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami on Saturday announced that the state government would bear the higher education expenses of a Madurai-based Hair Stylist’s daughter who was lauded by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his COVID-19 relief work.
The Hair Stylist, Mohan of Madurai district, spent his savings earmarked for the education of his daughter Nethra to buy and distribute groceries and vegetables for the poor during the lockdown period, Palaniswami said and appreciated his gesture.
“The Tamil Nadu government will bear the higher education expenditure of Nethra,” the Chief Minister said, adding, it was to honour Mohan’s help for the destitute with dedication, sans selfishness during the pandemic.
He greeted the 13-year girl who reportedly convinced her father to spend his savings for the needy.
On May 31, in his “Mann Ki Baat” broadcast, Prime Minister Modi had said “..There are innumerable people who are willing to give their all in the service of others. One such gentleman is K C Mohan of Tamil Nadu.
Shri Mohan ji runs a salon in Madurai. Through sheer hard work, he had saved five lakh rupees for his daughter’s education.
But, he spent the entire amount in the service of the needy and the underprivileged in these difficult times.”