Tamil Nadu Idol Wing Police have arrested seven men for trying to sell idols of Meenakshi Amman and Rishaba Devar near Chennai.
Acting on a tip off about smuggling and selling the Meenakshi Amman idol for Rs 1 crore in Sithaamur, the Idol Wing Police have taken preemptive action.
The gang, led by Karthik and Moorthy, was apparently using code words while carrying the idols on a two-wheeler to avoid any suspicion.
According to police, the gang would ask for Rs 10 from interested buyers. While the buyer had to hand over the money without asking any questions, they also had to answer a few questions asked by the sellers. If they cleared the process, the gang would initiate the sale.
However, the police had already nabbed the middlemen from whom they learnt the ways to lure the smugglers, while they tried to sell the idol.
The police team later recovered the Rishab Devar idol from a home in Vellore district and arrested five more men.
However. probe is under way to find out from where these idols were stolen.