Tamil Nadu on Wednesday reported 5,990 new COVID cases, taking the tally to 4,39,959, while 98 more fatalities pushed the death toll to 7,516.
As many as 75,829 samples were tested and 49,64,141 specimens have been examined till date, a health department bulletin said. There are 154 COVID labs, 64 in government and 90 in private facilities.
Tamil Nadu does not use Rapid Antigen Diagnostic Tests and all tests are RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction) based. Out of the 5,900 plus fresh cases, the state capital’s share was 1,025 and the rest was scattered across Tamil Nadu.
Of the over 4.39 lakh infections in the state, Chennai accounted for 1,37,732. The deceased include two men aged 37 and 93 and in total, 93 had co-morbidities and five no chronic illnesses. With the discharge of 5,891 patients from various hospitals, the cumulative recoveries and active cases stood at 3,80,063 and 52,380 respectively.