Tamil Nadu Minister For Information Technology And Digital Services Mano Thangaraj T inaugurated the G20 start-up 20x event at the Chennai Institute of Technology (CIT) on Thursday.
The Hon'ble Minister for IT&DS Thiru @manothangaraj inaugurated the 'G20 Start-up 20x' event at Chennai Institute of Technology. The Hon'ble Minister applauded #CITBIF for their efforts in incubating startups in the fields of technology and agriculture, providing co-working…
— Office of Mano Thangaraj (@officeofMTR) May 4, 2023
“It was an honor to inaugurate the G20 Start-up 20x event at Chennai Institute of Technology (CIT), an institution that prioritizes practical education and fosters an entrepreneurial mindset. CIT’s commitment to nurturing talent and supporting innovative startups is truly commendable,” the minister said in a statement.
The minister added, “Today, I had the opportunity to witness the incredible contributions of Chennai Institute Technology Business Incubation Forum (CITBIF), which has supported over 27 startups and conducted 75+ skill-based programs in the fields of tech and agriculture.”
Thangaraj went on to say that the state government recognizes the importance of startups as key drivers of job creation and economic growth. He added that the government is committed to providing funding, grants, mentorship, and resources to help the startup ecosystem.
“I am looking forward to witnessing more innovations with a social impact that can transform the lives of the common man and further strengthen the startup ecosystem in Tamil Nadu,” Mano Thangaraj further said.
Kuppulakshmi Krishnamoorthy, Gokul Dixit, Sendhil Vel K, and Christian Friedl shared their views on the global startup ecosystem.