Tamil Nadu’s COVID-19 tally crossed the 90,000 mark with nearly 4,000 fresh cases for the third consecutive day on Tuesday and with 60 more deaths, the toll touched 1,201, the government said.
Chaired the detailed statewide #Covid review meeting via VC (5-7.30pm).Discussed different facets of Covid prevention & control measures, new modalities of treatment, insights & observations drawn from the data, preparedness etc. HS, Deans, DDs, JDs, were present. #Vijayabaskar
— Dr C Vijayabaskar – Say No To Drugs & DMK (@Vijayabaskarofl) June 30, 2020
Chennai recorded the highest single day increase of 2,393 cases and the remainder was spread across the state, a health department bulletin said.
The 24×7 state-run COVID-19 call centre now offered medical advice in Hindi, Telugu and Malayalam as well for the benefit of people speaking such languages, a government release said.
கொரோனா நுண்கிருமி தொற்றை பற்றியும், அத்தொற்று ஏற்பட்டால் அதை எந்த மனநிலையோடு எதிர்கொள்ளவேண்டும் என்பதைப் பற்றியும் பெருநகர சென்னை மாநகராட்சி ஆணையாளர் திரு. கோ. பிரகாஷ் இ.ஆ.ப., அவர்கள் விவரிக்கிறார்.#Covid19Chennai#GCC #Chennai#ChennaiCorporation
— Greater Chennai Corporation (@chennaicorp) June 30, 2020
Malayalam, Telugu and Hindi speaking health personnel have been deputed to the call centre and over 2,000 people were being offered consultations every day.
So far, 1,47,000 plus calls have been attended by the (toll free numbers include 044-29510400 and 29510500) call centre, the release said, quoting Health Minister C Vijayabaskar.
The call centre also has psychologists to offer tele- counselling, the government said. While the State capital’s cumulative share of virus cases till date was 58,327, Tamil Nadu’s tally stood at 90,167.
Today is the third consecutive day of nearly 4,000 cases. Sunday and Monday witnessed 3,940 and 3,949 fresh cases respectively in the state.
While 2,325 patients were discharged, in total, 50,074 people have recovered and active cases stood at 38,889. Sixty people died in various hospitals, among whom 57 had co-morbidities, while the toll stood at 1,201.
The deceased include two women, a 95-year-old and a 35- year old and both had co-morbidities. A total of 30,242 samples were tested today and cumulatively 11,70,683 specimens have been examined, the bulletin added.