Tamil Nadu on Friday hit a new single day high of 94,877 COVID-19 tests, while 5,679 cases took the tally to 5,69,370, the state health department said.
Seventy two more fatalities pushed the toll to 9,148 The record samples tested today took the cumulative number of specimens examined so far to 69,10,521. As many as 5,626 people were discharged from various facilities after getting cured, taking the total number of recoveries to 5,13,836. The number of active cases stood at 46,386, the bulletin said.
Four more private labs received the nod for COVID-19 tests, taking the total number of such facilities in the state to 182 (of which 66 were run by state government). The state does not use Rapid Antigen Diagnostic Tests and all tests are RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction based. Among the 72 deceased 68, including two men in their nineties, had comorbidities, while four had none, it said.
Chennai topped in the number of new cases today with 1,193 infections, followed by Coimbatore 661, Salem 297, Chengalpet 277, Cuddalore 235, Thiruvallur 229. Twelve districts also reported over 100 cases each. Chennai also came out on top in the number of cases recording 1,60,926 till date out of 5.69 lakh in the state.