Actor Suriya is known for his out-of-the-box thinking and sociopreneurship. At the time of announcing the direct OTT release of Soorarai Pottru, he made another announcement of Rs 5 crore contribution from the profits of the movie for the common cause of helping out his partners in progress – the people from film industry – public and the corona warriors.
Onam Ashamsakal to all!!
சகோதர உணர்வுடன் கூடிய அன்பின் வெளிப்பாடாக சிறிய பங்களிப்பு…@agaramvisionhttps://t.co/ut8tOnzHgj#AgaramCovidEduFund pic.twitter.com/M1tREjN9SG
— Suriya Sivakumar (@Suriya_offl) August 31, 2020
Having donated Rs 1.5 crores to film bodies, and now has announced Rs 2.5 crores for helping the education of students belonging to families of the corona warriors – doctors, nurses, medical workers, police, media, sanitation, and crematorium workers.
The actor has also announced that Rs 1 crore will be given to students from the families of distributors, mediators, PROs, theatre workers, and Suriya welfare association members.
According to his students’ welfare plans, Rs 10,000 per student will be given, and Agaram Foundation will be guiding the process of fund distribution.
To boost his sociopreneurship, Soorarai Pottru is getting streamed in 200 countries all over the world. It has already emerged as a profitable venture with its massive pre-release business. The online streaming rights of the movie has been bagged by the OTT giant Amazon Prime Video, for around Rs 50 crores. The satellite rights of the Suriya starrer is bagged by Sun Network, for approximately Rs. 15 crores.