Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami and the Deputy Chief Minister O Panneerselvam on Saturday inspected Thirumazhisai Satellite Township where the vegetable market will be shifted from Koyambedu in the city amid the coronavirus induced lockdown.
It is expected that the alternate vegetable market at Thirumazhisai will possibly begin operations from Monday (May 11) onwards.
Following the inspection by the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister, the allotment of shops at Thirumazhisai to the vegetable vendors from Koyambedu wholesale market will begin. The Koyambedu vegetable market was shut down on Monday evening due to a spike of COVID-19 cases in the area.
According to a report in local media, each shop in Thirumazhisai market will be given around 400-500 square-feet, with a front area of 200 square-feet to enable adequate physical distancing between customers.
The market at Thirumazhisai was supposed to begin operations by May 7, as per an earlier announcement made when Koyambedu market was shut down.
Vegetable prices in the city have spiked due to shortage of stock in the market over the last few days. The government has been given a list, compiled by the market management, consisting of around 450 wholesale traders who need to be allocated shops in Thirumazhisai.
They have, however, also demanded more space for shops in Thirumazhisai since their shops in Koyambedu ranged anywhere between 600 and 2400 square-feet.