The Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K Palaniswami on Sunday laid the foundation stone for the first phase of the Rs 14,400 crore Cauvery-Vaigai-Gundar river interlinking project, aimed at diverting over 6,000 cubic ft of surplus water to drier areas in the southern parts of the state.
Chief Minister K Palaniswami laid the foundation stone for the first phase, to be taken up at an estimated Rs 6,941 crore, along with the Deputy Chief Minister O Panneerselvam at Kunnathur in Pudukottai district.
They participated at the ”bhumi puja” (ground breaking ceremony) held for the project. The total 262 km project envisages diverting surplus water in Cauvery to Gundar river through a canal and the first of the three phases will cover about 118 km, the government said, adding Cauvery, South Vellar, Vaigai and Gundar rivers will be interlinked in this major intra-state water project.
Upon completion, 6,300 cubic ft of surplus water realised during ”flood times” will be diverted and will help in increase in groundwater in southern districts and also help them meet their drinking water requirements. Tiruchirappalli, Pudukottai, Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram and Karur will gain from the initiative as over 1,000 lakes and one lakh plus acres of land in these districts will benefit, a communiqué from PWD department.