Tamil Nadu government on Friday extended the state-wide lockdown till June 21 and announced some relations in Covid-19 curbs, including allowing the sale of liquor in 27 districts.
Chief Minister M K Stalin, while making the announcement, underscored the need for adherence to norms like using thermal screening and hand sanitisers in retail shops and not using air conditioners.
The state reported 15,759 new Covid-19 cases, 378 deaths and 29,243 recovered cases on Friday, pushing the tally to 23,24,597 and toll to 28,906.
The total number of active cases reached 1,74,802 and the number of recovered cases rose to 21,20889 after 29,243 discharges in the last 24 hours.
Tamil Nadu recorded its highest daily infections tally at 36,184 cases on May 21 and since then, it has been witnessing a declining trend.
On May 30, the state saw its daily cases dropping below the 30,000-mark and on June 7 below 20,000.
— TN DIPR (@TNDIPRNEWS) June 11, 2021
Here’s all you need to know about the recent relaxation of rules:
- For 11 districts, including Coimbatore and Nilgiris, which have relatively more COVID-19 cases, the relaxations would be less and comparatively more in the other 27 districts.
- The state government allowed more relaxations in the Western belt comprising Coimbatore, Erode, Salem, Karur and seven other districts.
- Relaxations include allowing reopening of two-wheeler repair shops, agricultural products, pump sets and other farm essentials
- Other essential services such as security services, plumbers and electricians have also been allowed.
- Retail shops like those dealing with electronic goods service, consumer durables, and construction materials and mobile phone shops are permitted to be open from 9 AM to 2 PM.
- In 27 districts, including Chennai and nearby regions, while export units, already allowed to function could continue, industries can work with 33 per cent of workers. Industries, including those involved in continuous processes, have already been allowed to operate.
- Beauty parlours, salons and spas can function, allowing a maximum of 50 per cent customers from 6 AM to 5 PM. Parks can remain open between 6 AM and 9 AM for public use.
- IT companies can work at 20 per cent capacity. Non Banking Financial Companies and housing finance firms can work with 33 per cent employees.
- State-run Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation (TASMAC) liquor outlets can function from 10 AM to 5 PM.
- Administrative work in schools, colleges and universities related to admissions are also among activities now permitted.
- In other 11 districts, housekeeping services are allowed and workers like electricians and plumbers can work from 9 AM till 5 PM with ‘e-pass’.