Ahead of the Assembly session beginning on January 9, the Tamil Nadu Cabinet chaired by Chief Minister MK Stalin on Wednesday approved industrial projects to the tune of Rs 15,610.43 crore, said Industries Minister Thangam Thenarasu on Wednesday.
- The projects are spread across the State and will come up in the districts of Krishnagiri, Theni, Pudukottai, and in suburban Chennai: Industries Minister Thangam Thenarasu
- As many as 8,726 people would be provided jobs through the proposed ventures
The projects involved electric vehicle-manufacturing, cell-manufacturing plant, automobile, wireless technology, oxygen plant, and textiles, said the Minister.
“The projects are spread across the State and will come up in the districts of Krishnagiri, Theni, Pudukottai, and in suburban Chennai,” he told reporters here
The State, he said, had obtained substantial investments for numerous projects down South and is likely to obtain more.
“There’s fair chance for investment in industrial units when the spaceport project comes up in Kulasekharapatnam (Thoothukudi district). Also, the industrial parks at Sriperumbudur and Oragadam, near Chennai, are likely to get further investment once the proposed greenfield international airport project takes off in Parandur,” he said.
As many as 8,726 people would be provided jobs through the proposed ventures, he added.