Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Friday inspected the renovation work being executed at the Grand Anaicut (Kallanai) in Thajavur district. The first phase of the work involving the extension, renovation and modernisation of the Grand Anaicut Canal System is being carried out at an estimated cost of Rs 1,036 crore.
The Chief Minister, who arrived from Tiruchirappalli by road and reached the Grand Anaicut, held a discussion with Thanjavur Collector M Govindarao and other officials.
Water Resources Minister Duraimurugan, Municipal Administration Minister K N Nehru, and School Education Minister Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi were among those who accompanied the Chief Minister. Stalin also inspected the desilting work taken up at Rs 10 lakh at Mudhali Muthu Vari at Vallam and at Palli Agraharam at Rs 17 lakh in the district.
While visiting the Tiruchirappalli district, the Chief Minister inspected the desilting work being carried out at Kodiyalam village at a cost of Rs 29.70 lakh.