Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami exhorted the students of Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, a Deemed University, to become job-providers and not job-seekers.
The CM was virtually delivering his address at the SIST’s 29th Convocation held on Friday. He lauded the institution established by its Founder- Chancellor Honorary Colonel Dr.Jeppiaar for its efforts in providing higher education to students from underprivileged backgrounds.
This Convocation was presided by Hon. Chancellor Dr. Mariazeena Johnson, and President Dr. Marie Johnson.
The Chief Minister said, “People from different parts of the world are coming to study in Tamil Nadu because of its excellent service to education. Dr. Jeppiaar, the founder of Sathyabama University, has developed this institute from a college-level to a university due to his tireless work. My congratulations to him. Further, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology has received various awards for its work in the field of education.”
The CM also congratulated the 3,190 undergraduate and postgraduate students, the 129 PhD scholars and the 20 gold medal-winning students.
Dwelling at length on TN’s excellence in higher education, the CM said, “Tamil Nadu is a leading state in ensuring the availability of higher education. In the year 2019-20, 16 member colleges have been converted into government colleges. Since 2011-12, 1577 courses have been introduced in government and arts colleges. Rs 80 crore has been allocated for the construction of infrastructure facilities in government arts and science colleges. Rs 5,502.84 crore has been allocated for higher education in the year 2020-21.”
The CM also announced the setting up of a new university with Viluppuram as its headquarters.
Speaking about the industrial development of TN, he said, “Tamil Nadu is the only state in the country that has attracted a large number of global investments despite the recession induced by the corona epidemic. To take the state forward graduates should come forward to start self-employment.”
“The leaders who lead the country are everything. Success is guaranteed if you realize and act as you graduate and move into the new world. I heartily commend those who received good marks for their hard work and discipline,” the CM added.
Dr. Arun Kumar Bhaduri, Director, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, was the Chief Guest for the occasion. He awarded the degrees to the graduates, appreciated the gold medalists by distributing the merit certificates, gold medals, and delivered the convocation address.
A total of 3,190 students received the Undergraduate, Postgraduate degrees and 129 research scholars were conferred with PhDs. Among them, 20 students were awarded gold medals for their exemplary performance in academics.
On this occasion, the academic report was presented by Dr. T. Sasipraba Vice-Chancellor.
Sathyabama is ranked one among the top 50 Universities in India for five consecutive years, NIRF, Government of India.