The Tamil Nadu School Education department has come out with a comprehensive set of guidelines for digital education/online classes in the state, emphasising on physical health and mental wellness of the students.
Frequent breaks and keeping an eye on the wards for mental and physical health issues including depression are some of the pointers suggested by the department.
The digital classes could be held by giving students a break of at least 10-15 minutes between sessions, the guidelines said.
Online classes for pre-primary children are prohibited but the sessions can be scheduled for interaction with parents of the children, it said.
The school education department came out with the guidelines following a July 20 Madras High Court directive to the government in this connection, with the court asking the authorities to take into consideration the concerns of children”s health.
It also pointed out that the Central government’s guidelines were advisory in nature. Following this, the state’s school education department released the guidelines on Thursday.
The guidelines dated July 29 said online classes may be undertaken for not more than two sessions of 30-45 minutes per day for students of classes I to VIII.
For classes IX to XII, not more than four sessions of 30-45 minutes per day could be held.
“A teacher may take a maximum of six classes per day subject to a maximum of 28 online classes per week. Classes may be scheduled from 9 am to 5 pm normally on all working days,” the guidelines said.
The guidelines insist on short breaks from TV, computer and mobile phones in order to reduce the strain on the eyes besides improve blood circulation and reduce stiffness in joints.
“One can walk around for a few minutes during each break. Teachers and adults should keep a watch on the students’ behaviour, especially for symptoms like depression, anxiety, stress,” the guidelines directed.