Tamil Nadu Finance Minister Dr Palanivel Thiaga Rajan on Tuesday appreciated the contribution of NABARD in the last four decades and highlighted various activities and assistance given by NABARD in the state.
He was speaking at the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development’s (NABARD) 41st Foundation Day celebrations on Tuesday.
சென்னையில் நடைபெற்ற தேசிய வேளாண்மை மற்றும் ஊரக மேம்பாட்டு வங்கியின்(NABARD) 41வது தொடக்க நாள் விழாவில் மாண்புமிகு நிதி மற்றும் மனிதவள மேலாண்மைத் துறை அமைச்சர் @ptrmadurai அவர்கள் சிறப்பு விருந்தினராக கலந்து கொண்டு உரையாற்றினார்.
— Office of PTR (@OfficeOfPTR) July 13, 2022
He gave away awards for FPOs, Banks, Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs), Government Departments implementing Rural Infrastructure projects under NABARD assistance. Minister inaugurated “Bank on wheels” of Kancheepuram DCCB on the occasion and also inaugurated FPO stalls and interacted with farmers about income levels and services to farmers through FPOs.
- Financial assistance by NABARD in Tamil Nadu reaches a new high of Rs 32,443 crore in FY’22 up from Rs 27,135 crore in the previous year, a growth of 20%.
- Minister inaugurates “Bank on wheels” of Kancheepuram DCCB to mark 41st Foundation Day of NABARD
- Dr V Geethalakshmi, VC, TNAU presents on climate resilient agriculture practices for food security in Tamil Nadu
The meeting was addressed by Uma Sankar, CGM, RBI; Partha Pratim Sengupta, MD & CEO of IOB; Shanti Lal Jain, MD & CEO of Indian Bank who appreciated various contributions of NABARD in the last four decades. Dr V Geethalakshmi, VC, TNAU presented on climate resilient agriculture practices for food security in Tamil Nadu.
T Venkatakrishna, CGM, NABARD presented journey of NABARD in the last four decades and highlighted refinance support under various funds for rural infrastructure in Tamil Nadu State. Glimpses of various developmental initiatives of NABARD benefitting farmers were presented. Financial assistance by NABARD in Tamil Nadu reached a new high of Rs 32,443 crore in FY’22 up from Rs27,135 crore in the previous year, a growth of 20%. For Rural Infrastructure Rs 3,111 crore of projects sanctioned in FY’22 .