Despite the recommendations of the expert panel not to extend lockdown, the Tamil Nadu government has extended the lockdown till July 31 and intense lockdown in Chennai, Madurai, and parts of 3 other districts which comes under the jurisdiction of Great Chennai City Police till July 5.
In its 12-page release issued on Monday evening, the government said that full lockdown has been extended in Chennai, Madurai, and in parts of Thiruvallur, Chengalpattu, and Kanchipuram districts till July 5. The same restrictions that these districts witnessed during the lockdown between June 19 and June 30 will be extended until July 5.
The lockdown extended with some relaxations in the rest of the state. In addition, a complete lockdown will be imposed on all intervening Sundays in July across Tamil Nadu. This means that July 5, July 12, July 19 and July 26 will see a total lockdown.
Schools, colleges, malls, resorts, lodges, cinema halls, and bars would continue to be shut and religious congregations and prayers in places of worship in urban regions are banned.
Travel to tourist places like Nilgiris, Kodaikanal, and Yercaud for non-residents and for tourism purposes is not allowed. While restrictions for Chennai, Madurai, and other nearby areas of these two cities would ease from July 6, in other parts of Tamil Nadu, the current relaxations and curbs shall continue to be in force till July 31.
The Tamil Nadu government’s decision to extend the lockdown comes despite the expert medical committee advising against extending the lockdown.
The committee had a two-hour meeting with Chief Minister Edappadi Palaniswami on Monday. Following the discussion, Dr Prabhdeep Kaur, a member of Chief Minister’s Expert Committee on COVID-19 said, “Our committee has not recommended a lockdown because it is a blunt instrument, but not a solution. We require it at times, but lockdown alone cannot be a solution for COVID-19’’ on Monday morning.
However, the committee suggested that lockdown could be intensified in places with high COVID-19 caseload.