In a major rejig in the police department, the Tamil Nadu Government has transferred 20 IPS officers, including DGPs, on Friday. DGP Abhash Kumar, who was heading Civil supplies CID, was on Friday transferred and posted as the new director of TN Fire and Rescue Services.
Braj Kishore Ravi, has been appointed the DGP of Civil Supplies CID. N Z Asiammal, Inspector General of Police (IGP) who was appointed in charge of Enforcement has been appointed as IGP of Economic Offences Wing.
Earlier in July, Asiammal who was IGP intelligence was transferred out of the intelligence division in the background of the violence in Kallakurichi after the death of a school girl.
T Senthil Kumar, IG, commissioner of police, Madurai city has been transferred and posted as IG, general.
S Prabhakaran, IG, commissioner of police, Tiruppur city has been shifted and posted as Ig, social justice and human rights.
M S Muthusamy, DIG, Coimbatore range has been transferred and posted as DIG, Vellore.
A Kayalvizhi, DIG, Thanjavur range, has been shifted and posted as DIG, Coastal Security Group.
Ara Arularasu, AIG, L and O has been asked to take charge as the new SP, special division in the place of N Stephan Jesupatham.
K Prabhakar has appointed as new Superintendent of Police (SP) of Nilgiris, S R Senthil Kumar has SP of Tenkasi, C Kalaichelvan as SP of Namakkal, N Stephen Jesupatham will be the new SP of Dharmapuri, R Sivakumar has been appointed as SP of Salem; J Mutharasi, is the new SP of Thanjavur and A Jayalakshmi has been appointed the new Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) of Avadi Traffic police.