The Tamil Nadu government has decided to celebrate every year the birth anniversary of social reformer E V Ramasamy Periyar fondly called as Thanthai Periyar on September 17 as “Social Justice Day,” Chief Minister M K Stalin announced in the Assembly on Monday.
தமிழர் நலனே தன்னுடைய நலனெனக் கருதி இறுதிவரை தொண்டாற்றிய தந்தை பெரியாரின் பிறந்தநாள் ஆண்டுதோறும் சமூகநீதி நாளாகக் கொண்டாடப்படும்.
சாதிய ஏற்றத்தாழ்வு, பெண்ணடிமைத்தனத்தை உதறித்தள்ள அந்நாளில் உறுதியேற்போம்!
பாராட்டிப் போற்றி வந்த பழமை லோகம் ஈரோட்டுப் பூகம்பத்தால் இடியட்டும்!
— M.K.Stalin (@mkstalin) September 6, 2021
Periyar’s ideology was all about social justice, self-respect, rationalism and equality, which laid the foundation stone for the Tamil society’s growth during the last century and it would also pave the way for the future, Stalin said.
Hence, the government has decided to celebrate the leader’s birth anniversary every year to serve as a symbolic reinforcement of his egalitarian principles, the Chief Minister said amid thumping of benches.
On that day every year, employees in all government offices including the State Secretariat would take pledges to follow values based on such lofty ideals which includes, brotherhood, equality, self-respect and rationalism, he said.
The Chief Minister also recalled the services of Thanthai Periyar (September 17, 1879–December 24, 1973) to the Tamil society and said he was instrumental in the enactment of the first Constitutional Amendment Act (that safeguarded reservation for backward classes).