Tamil Nadu continued to record more COVID-19 recoveries with 5,005 patients being discharged from various hospitals on Saturday and 4,295 people contracted the virus while 57 more succumbed, taking the death toll to 10,586.
Cumulatively, 6,83,486 people have tested positive till date and 6,32,708 patients got cured, a health department bulletin said.
Active cases, that stood at 46,120 on October 4, continued to slide in sync with more recoveries than new cases and as on date 40,192 is the aggregate number of live infections. Among the deceased were two men aged 30 and 40. Fifty four people had co-morbidities and three no chronic illnesses.
Of the 10,586 deaths, Chennai accounted for 3,504, Chengelpet 623 and Coimbatore 518. Of the 4,200 plus new infections, Chennai shared 1,132, Coimbatore 389, Salem 240 and Chengelpet 231, Tiruvallur 218 and Kancheepuram 148. Perambalur (8), Tenkasi (12) and Ramanathapuram (14) were among the districts that posted less number of new cases.
As many as 90,242 samples were tested, and in total 88,56,280 specimens have been examined in 192 COVID labs in the state. Tamil Nadu has been posting more recoveries than fresh cases since October 4, excluding October 10 and 11 when the new cases were marginally higher than the recoveries. On Friday, the state had logged 4,389 new cases and 5,245 recoveries.