Tamil Nadu on Monday reported 5,344 new COVID cases, taking the tally to 5,47,337 while the death toll mounted to 8,871 with 60 more fatalities.
The state capital accounted for 982, Coimbatore 648 and Salem 295 and other regions of the state saw the rest of the fresh infections, a health department bulletin said.
Of the 5.47 lakh plus positive cases, Chennai’s share was 1,56,625 and nearby Chengelpet 32,799, the second highest in the state.
The active cases stood at 46,495 with 5,492 patients getting discharged from various hospitals and cumulatively, 4,91,971 people have got cured.
As many as 80,672 samples were tested and in total 65,55,328 specimens have been examined.
There are 174 COVID labs, 66 in government and 108 in private facilities. The deceased include two nonagenarians and two men aged 29 and 38, while 57 is the aggregate number of those who had co-morbidities and three others had no chronic illnesses.