The Tamil Nadu Plus 2 results were declared on Thursday without any prior announcement amidst coronavirus pandemic. Students were surprised to know about the release of result through social media. The State School Education Minister K.A. Sengottaiyan said that the results will be sent to the students in their registered mobile numbers by the Directorate of Government Examinations.
பள்ளி மாணவர்களுக்கும், தனித்தேர்வர்களுக்கும் அவர்கள் வழங்கிய கைப்பேசி எண்ணிற்கு குறுஞ்செய்தி மூலமாக தேர்வு முடிவுகள் அனுப்பி வைக்கப்படும்.
27.7.2020 அன்று நடைபெறவுள்ள +2 மறுதேர்வினை எழுதும் தேர்வர்களுக்கு மட்டும் மறுதேர்வு முடிவடைந்த பின் தேர்வு முடிவுகள் வெளியிடப்படும். #TNGovt
— K.A Sengottaiyan – Say No to Drugs & DMK (@KASengottaiyan) July 16, 2020
In a sudden announcement, the Directorate of Government Examination (TNDGE), which conducted the plus two exams in March, released the Class 12 results for over 9 lakh students who appeared for the HSE +2 exams today.
The results have been declared on TNDGE’s official websites at and
தேர்வர்கள் இணையதளத்தில் பதிவிறக்கம் செய்யப்பட்ட தங்களது மதிப்பெண் பட்டியலை பெறுவதற்கான தேதி மற்றும் விடைத்தாள் நகல், மதிப்பெண் மறு கூட்டலுக்கு விண்ணப்பிதற்கான தேதியும், அதன் வழிமுறைகளும் பின்னர் அறிவிக்கப்படும். #TNGovt #TNEducation
— K.A Sengottaiyan – Say No to Drugs & DMK (@KASengottaiyan) July 16, 2020
With an overall passing percentage at 92.34 per cent of the students have cleared the exam with flying colours. Out of a total of 7,99,717 students, girls were ahead at 94.80% as against boys’ 89.41%.
Students can check their results through online in the above-mentioned websites and click on the ‘download’ result link. Enter the registration number/ roll number. The result will appear on the screen. Download it, and take a print out for further reference.
Candidates are required to score a minimum of 35 marks each in all the six subjects in order to pass the TN +2 exams. The 35 marks is needed out of 100 in each subject. For those subjects having 70 marks in theory, candidates need to secure 15 marks in theory and a total of 35 marks while there is no minimum marks requirement in the practical or internal section.
The pass percentage among government schools stood at 85.94% against 98.7% in private schools. The overall passing percentage stands at 92.34%
It is mathematics that scored the highest pass percentage among subjects, peaking at 96.3%
Tirupur, Erode and Coimbatore are leading districts in terms of districts with the highest pass percentage.
How to Check results online
- Visit the official website,,
- On the homepage, click on the link ‘HSE +2 result’
- You will be directed to a new page
- Log-in using the registration number Result will appear
- Download it, and take a print out for further reference.
Exams for a few subjects were postponed due to the lockdown and the sudden spike in coronavirus cases. Meanwhile, the state government in Tamil Nadu cancelled the SSLC and plus one exam but had decided to conduct the pending HSE on July 27.
Meanwhile, the School Education Minister K.A. Sengottaiyan announced in his twitter handle that the dates for revaluation and retotalling will be announced later. The results for the students who couldn’t appear for the last examinations will be announced after the reexamination to be held on July 27.
Due to Covid-19 pandemic, the schools were not issued consolidated mark sheets of the students, few school management representatives said in Chennai.