Tamil Nadu on Friday logged 1,442 new COVID-19 cases, taking the infection count to 7,77,616, while 12 more fatalities pushed the death toll to 11,681.
Recoveries continued to outnumber the fresh cases with 1,494 people being discharged from health care facilities, pushing the aggregate to 7,54,826, a health department bulletin said.
Active cases in the state stood at 11,109. A total of 61,610 samples were tested today, aggregating to 1,18,64,177 specimens examined so far. The State has been witnessing a decline in new cases and since November 13 daily new infections were below 2,000.
Two districts, including the State capital, logged cases in triple digits today with Chennai adding 392 and Coimbatore 145, while the rest were scattered across other districts.
Chennai continued to top the list of cases with 2,14,191 infections out of more than 7.77 lakh in the state. Of the 12 fatalities reported, five succumbed to the virus in private hospitals and seven in government facilities.
All the patients were suffering from chronic illness or co-morbidities. As many as six people who died were above 70, the bulletin said.
Chennai also topped in the number of fatalities, accounting for 3,838 of the state’s total 11,681 deaths.
A private lab in Dharmapuri district was accorded approval for conducting COVID-19 tests, taking the number of facilities operating in the State to 220, of which 67 are run by the government.
Seven of those who tested positive today were returnees from West Bengal and Bihar, respectively, the bulletin said.