Tamil Nadu on Saturday reported 9,344 new COVID-19 cases, pushing the caseload to 9,80,728, while recoveries mounted to 9,02,022 with 5,263 patients being discharged. Active cases stood at 65,635.
#TamilNadu #COVID19Update | 17.04.2021
State Dashboard @MoHFW_INDIA @RAKRI1 @DoHFWTN @TNDPHPM @pibchennai @TNDME1 @TNGOVDIPR #tn_together_againstcorona #stopcoronatn— National Health Mission – Tamil Nadu (@NHM_TN) April 17, 2021
A health department bulletin said 39 more deaths were reported in the last 24 hours, taking the toll to13,071. The new COVID-19 cases included 30 returnees from various destinations.
📌 Each and every one of us can reduce the chances of getting infected or spreading COVID-19 by taking simple precautions.
Follow the key preventive measures to keep yourself and others safe against COVID-19.#Covid19Chennai #GCC #Chennai #ChennaiCorporation
— Greater Chennai Corporation (@chennaicorp) April 17, 2021
Chennai accounted for 2,884 new infections, taking the aggregate to 2,80,184.
The metropolis also leads in the number of fatalities with 4,386 people succumbing to the virus.
With the government laying emphasis on increasing testing of samples, the total number tested today crossed the one lakh mark with 1,00,804 samples being tested, pushing the cumulative number of specimens examined to 2,10,77,500.
Chengalpet reported 807 fresh cases today, Coimbatore 652, Cuddalore 190, Dindigul 121, Erode 143, Kancheepuram 248, Kanyakumari 191, Krishnagiri 194, Madurai 235, Namakkal 126, Ranipet 193, Salem 289, Thanjavur 121, Thiruvallur 389, Thiruvarur 114, Tuticorin 261, Tirunelveli 246, Tiruppur 275, Tiruchirappalli 323, Vellore 175, Villupuram 106 and Virudhunagar 112, the bulletin said.
Among the 39 deceased, nine-three women and six men – succumbed to the virus without any pre-existing illness.