Stating that the women’s cricket is on the rise in India and especially in Tamil Nadu its growth is rapid and that around 400 girls turned up for selections during the previous season is ample proof, the Tamil Nadu Cricket Association has launched a Talent Scout Program for women to unearth new talents. The Talent Scout Wing (TSW) which will comprise former men and women first-class cricketers and coaches will help in identifying the talent across the state in the trials scheduled to begin on May 13.
Commenting on the TSW, Cricket Advisory Committee chairman Sudha Shah said, “For the program, the TNCA has formed four groups of four members each who will cover all the 37 districts in Tamil Nadu. Once the TSW shortlists the talent pool, they will be assembled for training camps that will happen across the year.”
The goal of TNCA is to spot and catch them young, provide them the best of facilities and opportunities for training, watch them improve and develop their skills and finally bring laurels to our State and Country. Any player who is above 13 years of age can attend the trials.
Shah said that while a maximum of 22 players from each district, there is no cap on the number. “If we find more talents, we would accommodate them as well. The selected players will undergo a camp at the respective venues and based on the inputs of the coaches, we will host an inter-district tournament after two years. A total of 20-25 players from the 37 districts will be called to Chennai to train at the TNCA Academy,” Shah said.
Dr P Ashok Sigamani, President TNCA presided over the Meet in the presence of Adam Sait, Vice President TNCA, T J Srinivasraj, Hon. Treasurer TNCA, Dr R N Baba, Hon. Asst. Secretary TNCA, M Santhosh Kumar, Chairman CTC, Sudha Shah, Chairman CAC, C T M Suguna, Chairman, Women’s Selection Committee, Dr. Dhakshayani, Member Womens Cricket Committee and Smt Lakshmi Kruthivasan, Chairman, Women’s Committee.
Dr. Dhakshayani welcomed the gathering while C T M Suguna proposed the Vote of Thanks.
The Talent Scout Program schedule
The TNCA plans to engage the selected players in camps under the watchful eyes of eminent coaches throughout the year. The TNCA also plans to organise the Women’s League T20 and One-day Tournaments in a bigger scale so that it provides more opportunities for budding youngsters.