Tamil Nadu on Thursday logged 1,035 new COVID-19 cases taking the tally to 8,11,115 and the toll mounted to 12,036 with 12 more deaths.
The state capital city’s daily case count dipped below the 300 mark for the first time after May. It reported 296 fresh cases. All the 12 dead were aged between 60 and 84 and had co- morbidities, a health department bulletin said.
The toll included Chennai’s 3,979, the highest in the state. Barring the state capital, all other districts showed either a single or double digit count of fresh infections, evidencing the trend of a continuing decline in new cases and more recoveries in the past several weeks.
The tally of 8.11 lakh plus cases included Chennai”s 2,23,509. With 1,120 patients getting discharged, cumulatively, 7,89,862 people have got cured till date and active cases declined to 9,217. As many as 70,993 samples were tested and in total 1,37,30,293 specimens have been examined so far, the bulletin said.