The Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC) will operate special buses for Pongal festival from Coimbatore for various destinations from January 11 to 14, says a release issued by Anbu Abraham, Managing Director of Coimbatore Division.
According to release, the special buses towards Trichirappalli and Salem would be operated from CODISSIA grounds. Town buses connecting Gandhipuram Central Bus Stand-CODDISSIA ground, Singanallur Bus Stand-CODDISSIA will be operated to ease the passengers to reach the bus stands.
The TNSTC Coimbatore Division is operating 27 buses towards Salem on daily basis. In addition to this, 230 special buses would be operated towards Salem. Similarly 55 buses were operated towards Trichirappalli from Singanallur bus stand on a daily basis. Apart from this, additionally 200 special buses would be operated in this route, the release adds.
Basic amenities such as drinking water, waiting space and toilet facilities were arranged at CODISSIA grounds, Abraham said.