Toshiba Johnson Elevators (India) (TJEI) has set up a training and distribution centre in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The centre was operational since November 2019 at Ambattur on the outskirts of Chennai, however, the company announced its opening on Monday, a release said.
The newly established facility will help in boosting sales and will also ensure better after-sales service to its customers. Along with strengthening the distribution network, the centre will also play a pivotal role in providing training to its field engineers.
The centre is built to enhance the competence and expertise of field engineers for elevator sales, installation and maintenance, it said.
“With the establishment of this new distribution centre, we will continue to focus on quality improvement activities and provide highly reliable products to the market, with safety and quality as our top priority. We aim to further improve the efficiency of on-site work by advanced stocking and assembling parts facilities,” said Junichi Kyushima, MD, TJEI.
Besides training facilities, the centre will also have a storage area for elevator components that shall be used for elevators’ installation and maintenance.